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時(shí)間:2024-08-28來(lái)源:中國博士人才網(wǎng) 作者:佚名


南安普頓大學(xué)(University of Southampton),始建于1862年,主校區位于英國南安普頓,是一所公立研究型大學(xué)。

南安普頓大學(xué)是羅素大學(xué)集團、世界大學(xué)聯(lián)盟、科學(xué)與工程南聯(lián)盟、國際大學(xué)氣候聯(lián)盟、RENKEI、世界港口城市大學(xué)聯(lián)盟、歐洲大學(xué)協(xié)會(huì )與英聯(lián)邦大學(xué)協(xié)會(huì )成員之一。


Research Fellow

University of Southampton

Application Deadline 23 August 2024

The PressueLab within the Skin Sensing Research Group (SSRG) is offering a unique opportunity to deliver research activities as part of a Transforming Community Health grant co-funded by the UKRI’s Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council (EPSRC) and the National Institute for Health Research (NIHR). The SEAMLSS project will involve co-developing a novel physical sensor and user interface for the optimisation of posture, mobility, and pressure ulcer prevention. This project, involving stakeholders from healthcare, industry, and academia, focuses on the most vulnerable and those with multiple underlying health conditions who live in the community.

Your role

This project brings together internationally leading expertise in bioengineering, tissue viability, implementation, and social sciences with an industry partner. This multi-disciplinary team have worked together over several years, using the latest pressure sensing technology to evaluate movement patterns over prolonged periods. In addition, we have patients and public members at the heart of the project through organised meetings chaired by our colleague Dr Stephen Duckworth OBE. The candidate will work closely with patients and the public, service providers and industry partners to create a fit for purpose pressure monitoring technology for community healthcare.

As a Postdoctoral Research Fellow, you will design and conduct a series of experimental trials in the PressureLab to evaluate continuous pressure monitoring systems. This will include both bench testing using ISO standards and volunteer testing in bed and chair environments. You will also participate in multi-stakeholder meetings and industry secondments to support the evolution of a current commercial pressure monitoring system. Here you will work closely with the company’s R&D team to improve user interfaces and integrate new algorithms which can detect posture, mobility, and pressure ulcer risk. The vision of our multi-disciplinary project is to create a transformative technology with our partners, which will empower individuals living in the community to move and position themselves more effectively.

*Applications for Research Fellow positions will be considered from candidates who are working towards or nearing completion of a relevant PhD qualification. The title of Research Fellow will be applied upon successful completion of the PhD. Prior to the qualification being awarded, the title of Senior Research Assistant will be given.

What we can offer you

This will be a multi-disciplinary and multi-stakeholder project and will leverage expertise and facilities hosted within the Clinical Academic Facility (CAF) located within Southampton General Hospital. The CAF is a leading centre for clinical and biomedical research, and it will provide a world-class environment for your professional development, as well as avenues for clinical translation. Within SSRG, you will be exposed to additional opportunities for further development in research and enterprise, which will contribute to your career progression.

Expected start date: 1st September 2024, 12 month fixed term contract




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